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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

干量 dry measure
干量单位 strike
干钻孔 dry hole
干铜 dry copper
干锈病 black rust
干镜头 dry system lens
干险事 do sth. at the risk of one's...
干陷 dry type of inward penetrati...
干雾 dry fog
干霾 dry haze
干靠这点工资 depend only on the small sal...
干鞣法 dry tannage
干预 intervene
干预个人事务 invasion of privacy
干预者 meddler
干颜料 dry colour
干食 xerophagia
干食法 xerophagy
干饭 cooked rice
干馏 destructive distillation
干馏法 cracking process
干馏炉 shale oven
干馏釜 retort
干鲜果品 dry and fresh fruit
平一 suppress and unify
平世界纪录 equal a world record
平世界记录 equal the world's record
平产 be equal in output
平人 ordinary person
平仄 level and oblique tones tona...
平价 par
平价以上 above par value
平价价格 parity price
平价兑换 exchange at par
平价发行 par issue
平价商店 fair-price shop
平价条款 parity clause
平价汇率 par exchange rate
平价股息率 average-rate of dividend
平传 flat pass
平信 ordinary mail
平假名 hiragana
平允 fair and just
平光 zero diopter
平光剂 flatting agent
平光眼镜 plain glass spectacles
平凡 ordinary
平凡小事 pinpoint
平凡的作家 a prosy author
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