The instrument used in this research was a self - compiled questionnaire based on the evaluation form by yu - ling chang ( 1998 ) and jia - hsing yang ( 2001 ) 二、休?内在动机与休?无聊感之问有显著负相关;又休?无聊感与网路使用行为、网路心理需求、网路沈迷行为之问呈现正相关。
The instrument used in this research was a self - compiled questionnaire based on the evaluation form by yu - ling chang ( 1998 ) and jia - hsing yang ( 2001 ) 二、休闲内在动机与休闲无聊感之问有显着负相关;又休闲无聊感与网络使用行为、网络心理需求、网络沉迷行为之问呈现正相关。