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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

月亮从云缝里钻了出来 The moon broke through the c...
月亮低悬在天空 The moon was low in the sky....
月亮把大地照得刷白 The earth turned white under...
月亮照得院子里挺明快 The moon lightened the court...
月亮给云彩遮住了 The moon was hidden by cloud...
月亮被乌云遮蔽了 The moon was covered by the ...
月亮透过云层放射出寒光 The moon is emitting cool li...
月亮门 moon gate
月令 climate and phenology in a l...
月份 month
月份牌 calendar
月偏食 partial lunar eclipse partia...
月偏食始 moon enters umbra
月偏食终 moon leaves umbra
月儿开始发出银色的光辉 The moon began to show her s...
月光 moonlight
月光下一个模糊的背影 a dark figure in the moonlig...
月光使房间洁白如洗 The room is painted white wi...
月光微照 The moonlight shines faintly...
月光惨淡 the faint light of the moon
月光映照在水面上 The moon is shining on the w...
月光泛影 The moon cast its bright ref...
月光泻地 The silvery moonlight cascad...
月光皎洁 The moon shines bright.
月光穿过云层缝隙照射下来 The moonbeam breaks through ...
月光花 moonflower
月光透过窗户射了进来 The moonlight streamed in th...
月光透过窗户泻入室内 The moonlight poured in thro...
月全食 total lunar eclipse
月刊 monthly magazine
月初 the beginning of a month
月利 monthly interest
月利一分 1% interest a month
月利率二厘七 a monthly interest of 27% li...
月到中秋分外明 The harvest moon is exceptio...
月半 the 15th day of a month
月华 diffused moonlight best part
月华似水 The moon cast its silver she...
月华如昼 The moonlight was like day f...
月华如水 watery moonbeams
月华色丝 ombre silk
月印水中 The moon cut her image in th...
月历 monthly calendar
月台 railway platform
月台票 platform ticket
月吐银辉 The moon began to shed its s...
月圆了 The moon is full. tactful
月夕花晨 the evening of the moon and ...
月夜 moonlit night
月夜兼程 travel by moonlight
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