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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

有些古老的城市周围有城墙 Some ancient towns have wall...
有些商店每周清点存货一次 Some stores inventory their ...
有些商店每月盘货一次 Some stores inventory their ...
有些器皿在出土时已经残破 Some utensils were in a stat...
有些国家靠旅游业赚取大量外汇 Some countries obtain large ...
有些失望 be rather disappointed
有些女人生性爱妒忌 Some women have a dispositio...
有些女教师常常以保持独身主义地位而自豪 Some of the women-teachers a...
有些射手射技很差 Some marksmen shoot badly.
有些工厂将生产废水向海中倾泻 Liquid waste flows out from ...
有些木头好劈 Some kinds of wood split eas...
有些植物不宜移植 Some plants do not transplan...
有些田地里出现了草荒 The weeds run riot in some f...
有些电台一天二十四小时广播 Some stations broadcast 24 h...
有些男孩子暗地吸烟 Some boys smoke on the sly.
有些病是遗传的结果 Some diseases are present by...
有些种类的植物分布得很广 Some types of plants are wid...
有些种类的食物使人口渴 Some kinds of food makes one...
有些窃贼用汞水腐蚀他们的镣铐 Some thieves have eaten off ...
有些美国单词在英国英语中没有对应词 Some American words have no ...
有些英语形容词起副词作用 Some English adverbs functio...
有些药剂会对正常的身体功能产生抑制作用 Some drugs can cause the inh...
有些问题仍旧没有解决 Some problems remain to be s...
有些问题还需要弄清楚 Certain questions have yet t...
有些饮料可使人在饭前开胃 Some drinks prepare appetite...
有些鸟随季节迁徙 Some birds migrate as season...
有交情 be on friendly terms with sb...
有产者 a man of property
有产阶级 propertied class
有亲属关系 call cousin with
有人从博物馆盗走了一幅画 Someone stole a painting fro...
有人冒领了那只手表 Somebody has falsely claimed...
有人在夜里偷走了牛 Someone ran the cattle off d...
有人在家吗 Is there anybody in? remain ...
有人在敲窗子 Somebody is knocking on the ...
有人在砰砰地擂门 Someone is thundering at the...
有人声称 It is claimed that...
有人想见你 Someone wants to see you.
有人找她 Someone wants to see her.
有人把我的雨伞偷走了 Someone has made off with my...
有人相信灵魂不灭 Some people believe that the...
有人讽刺这位将军缺乏勇气 Somebody made a crack that c...
有什么两样 What's the difference?
有什么值得大惊小怪的 What's there to be surprised...
有什么好笑的 What's so funny?
有什么就说什么 Just say what's on your mind...
有什么想法都端出来 Whatever you think,come out ...
有什么新闻 What is the news?
有什么消息 What news?
有什么退热药吗 Is there any remedy for feve...
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