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English translation for "magnetic storm"


Related Translations:
storming:  风暴般的激烈的猛烈的震荡
storm path:  风暴路径
feeding storm:  越来越厉害的暴风雨。
ray storm:  雷电风暴
meteor storm:  陨石术
abortion storm:  爆发性流产
storm codec:  暴风影音
kona storm:  科纳气旋
psionic storm:  电波离子风暴圣堂武士的心灵风暴
storm effect:  雷暴效应
Example Sentences:
1.On the variation of geomagnetic field and magnetic storm
2.Continental drifts , solar flares , sunspots , magnetic storms ,
3.Some 5 ) speculated that ufos , or perhaps strange 6 ) magnetic storms , were producing these circles
4.Magnetic storms can also disrupt long - distance radio communication essential for ocean - faring ships and intercontinental flights
5.Solar flares are caused by magnetic storms on the surface of the sun and consist of eruptions of highly charged particles that travel at high speed through space
6.A new computer model suggests the next solar cycle will be more active than the previous one , potentially spawning magnetic storms that will be more disruptive to communication systems on earth
7.A new computer model suggests the next solar cycle will be more active than the previous one , potentially spawning magnetic storms that will be more disruptive to communication systems on earth
8.Solar wind flows out from the corona the sun s outer atmosphere into interplanetary space at speed of between 300 and 900 km per second . it causes fluctuation to the earth s magnetic field , which we call magnetic storm . such event will cause deflection of compass needles
9.Several influence factors to result plasma drift in hainan were analyzed . in this paper the characteristics of ionospheric parameters variation were analyzed systematically and some new results in storm - time such as seasonal behaviors were obtained ; it is the first time to investigate the ionospheric drift behavior in hainan and some new results was obtained , the relationships between each two plasma drift velocity components in storm time in hainan were found and the electric filed variation in hainan ionosphere also was obtained ; the results also show that there are big differences of the ionosphere parameters bo and bl obtained from the data with that obtained from the iri - 2001 applied for hainan ; a new phenomena was found during a strong magnetic storm , that a layer with very strong electron density and density grad was found during the recovery phase of the storm , its horizontal scale is beyond 100km and temporal scale is about 2 hours , this phenomena repeated 3 times continuously . a type of negative disturbance in high and low latitude but positive disturbance in east - asia also has been found
本文较为系统地给出了海南地区电离层的参数变化特征,特别是得到了一些暴时与以往不同的季节特性;第一次给出了海南地区的电离层等离子体漂移特征,发现等离子体漂移暴时扰动在三个方向上有内在的联系,得到了电场变化曲线;研究结果还表明海南电离层的半厚指数和形状参数等与国际参考电离层iri - 2001存在很大差别;通过对强磁扰动事件期间的参数变化特性分析发现,在磁暴恢复相期间海南地区电离层底部存在一个电子密度非常大的高密度区,高密度区底部电子密度梯度随高度急剧增加,该区域的水平尺度可达100公里以上时间尺度约为2小时,连续出现过三次,这是一个在海南从来未发现的新现象;研究还发现了暴时东亚地区电离层扰动会出现高低纬负相而中纬正相的现象。
10.Characteristics of variation and disturbances in low - latitude ionosphere were investigated based on the data observed in hainan under different magnetic activities and solar activities including variations and disturbances of parameters in different ionospheric layers , behaviors of plasma drift and a comparison with other low - latitude ionospheric station . the disturbance propagations from high to low latitude region during magnetic storm time are also investigated with analyzing the data obtained from the east - asian high - middle latitude stations
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