| 1. | The essay thinks that the traditional theory has major defects 本文认为,上述传统理论具有重大的缺陷。 |
| 2. | Super major defects 主要瑕疵特大类 |
| 3. | Wrinkling is one of the major defects that occur in the sheet metal forming process 起皱是金属板料成型中常见的失效形式之一。 |
| 4. | 3 castings that show major defects during manufacturing or which are not in conformance with dimensions as shown on bw / ip casting drawings may be rejected 生产中有明显缺陷的铸件或其规格与bw / ip所提供的设计图不一致的,均视为次品。 |
| 5. | The private economic system displays its major defects in the following two aspects , that is , the unclean its properly right and unreasonableness of its management . the existence of the above defects will become the setback to the further development of the private enterprise 私营经济制度上的缺陷主要表现在产权不清晰与管理制度上的不合理,这些缺陷的存在给企业的经营带来的影响将成为企业继续发展的障碍。 |
| 6. | From the above angle , this article analyses the present situation of the private sector economy and the background of its development . it reveals the major defects and harms in the inner system management of privet sector economy . the article points out the ideal methods to overcome these defects and harms lie in the institutional renovation 本文从这一角度出发,试图通过对私营经济的发展现状,成长背景等等的分析,揭示其内部制度安排上的主要缺陷,从而得出克服这些缺陷的途径在于进行制度创新? ?向现代企业制度转型的结论。 |
| 7. | In order to understand the folk law clearly and treat it properly , wrong notion about the folk law is differentiated and analyzed in this part . firstly , by analyzing and pondering the major defect in the theory of " legal pluralism " , the author rebuts the theory and points out that nature of the folk law is just social rule . so the idea that the folk law is law should be abandoned 首先试图澄清对民间法性质的误解,针对“民间法亦法”的这一认识误区,通过对使此命题得以安身立命的“法律多元”主张的反思,指出了其在理论层面和实践层面所具有的重大缺陷从而摈弃了这一主张,言明了民间法的性质只是社会规范而非法律。 |
| 8. | On the one hand , you have kaneshiro and leung engaging in serious romance , and on the other hand , the two goons played by edmund chen and terri kuan just seem to come from another world doing all kind of crazy things . one major defect of this plot is the overdose of conincidence . the entire movie is built up from bits and bits of conincidences 无疑不少通俗剧的情节都建基在巧合之上正所谓无巧不成冤家可以说巧合是制造戏剧无可避免的原素但若整部电影都由巧合凑合而成而且是万中无一的极度巧合那就难免会出现物极必反的毛病而这正是此片的问题所在。 |