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English translation for "maslov"


Related Translations:
maslov ivan:  伊万马斯洛夫
ivan maslov:  伊万・马斯洛夫
pavel maslov:  帕维尔马斯洛夫
Example Sentences:
1.( 2 ) the symplectic integrator method is applied to the high frequency asymptotic evolution of the wave equation based on maslov symplectic geometrical theory
( 2 )将辛算法运用到基于masiov ?辛几何理论的求解波动方程的高频近似方法中。
2.Maslov ' s method can overcome the drawback that the solution in the caustic region cannot be obtained with geometrical optics . the key step of the method is numerical computation of hamiltonian equations , which can be solved by the symplectic algorithm
3.The important parts of this work consist of : 1 . the high frequency asymptotic evaluation of wave equations in nonhomogeneous medium by maslov ' s method is systematically studied , and formulations of the high frequency asymptotic evaluation in nonhomogeneous medium which varying only in one direction are constructed
本论文的工作作为国家自然科学基金地震波传播与成像项目( no . 40174032 )的一部分,得到如下结果: (一)论文分析了利用maslov方法求解非均匀介质中波动方程高频近似解的基本原理和求解过程,构造了介质系数只在一个方向变化时波动方程高频近似解的通用计算公式。
4.This thesis discusses maslov ' s method , wavelet transform and their applications to asymptotic evaluation of wave equations in high frequency fields . the method of solving wave equations in caustic domain by symplectic geometrical theory , and the method of simplifying two - dimension wave equations in slowly varying nonhomogeneous medium by wavelet - transform theory are proposed . the caustics phenomena of electromagnetic wave propagation in concave reflector , the singularities of caustics , and the method of computing wave fields in and far away from the caustics in concave reflector are also discussed
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