| 1. | This map can be used in the figures for describing the diversity and migration routes of the world populations . the land parts of the map are transparent 有关世界人群的多样化和迁徙路线的描述可利用此图来制作插图。地图中大陆部分透明,可覆盖在您的图片的上方。 |
| 2. | Along their migration route , these birds depend on a number of staging posts where they can rest , feed and build up their energy reserves again before they begin the next stage of their long journey 它们倚赖迁徙路线上的中途站停栖觅食及储存充足的能量,为馀下的长途旅程作出准备。 |
| 3. | It has been shown experimentally that birds can align themselvesto their normal migration routes in blue light but have trouble doing so inyellow or red , so the link seemed worth pursuing 实验表明,在蓝光中鸟类可以按照正常迁徙路线飞行,而在黄光或红光中则做不到,因此其中的关联值得探讨。 |
| 4. | Egypt ' s location on major bird migration routes and the widespread practice of keeping domestic fowl near living quarters have helped make it the hardest - hit country outside of asia 埃及位于候鸟主要迁徙线路的途中,同时由于人们习惯在家附近饲养家禽,使得埃及成为亚洲以外禽流感疫情最严重的国家。 |
| 5. | Mai po is particularly fascinating , being an important stop on migration routes for tens of thousands of birds , including endangered species and a quarter of the world s population of the black - faced spoonbills 米埔是成千上万候鸟栖身的重要地点,这些候鸟包括不少濒危品种,例如全球四分之一的黑脸琵鹭,所以是个不容错过的景点。 |
| 6. | There might be many wintering habitats along heilongjiang river for the fish , which can spends winter period in the part of river and lake comfortable for it , but different groups in the different wintering habitats have their migration routes and areas 黑龙江鲂在黑龙江流域的越冬场分布可能有多处,只要是适合其越冬条件的江段或湖区都可作为其越冬场,而在不同越冬场越冬的群体,都有其固定的洄游区域和路线。 |