1729 thomas newcomen , english inventor of the first atmospheric steam engine in 1705 , died in london 托马斯?纽科门在伦敦去世。他曾在1705年发明第一台空气蒸汽机。
Off an inward bound tram stepped the reverend nicholas dudley c . c . of saint agatha s church , north william street , on to newcomen bridge 一辆驶往市内的电车在纽科门桥这一站停住了。
At newcomen bridge father conmee stepped into an outward bound tram for he disliked to traverse on foot the dingy way past mud island 康米神父是由于讨厌徒步跋涉泥岛25那段脏路,才在纽科门桥搭乘这趟驶往郊外的电车的。
On newcomen bridge the very reverend john conmee s . j . of saint francis xavier s church , upper gardiner street , stepped on to an outward bound tram 来到纽科门桥上,上加德纳街圣方济各沙勿略教堂的这位十分可敬的耶稣会会长约翰康米跨上一辆驶往郊外的电车。
Father john conmee stepped into the dollymount tram on newcomen bridge . corny kelleher locked his largefooted boots and gazed , his hat downtilted , chewing his blade of hay 科尼凯莱赫交叉着那双穿了大皮靴子的大脚,帽檐拉得低低的,定睛望着,嘴里还咀嚼着那片干草。