| 1. | It was not now rage, but the cry of despair . 现在不是愤怒的叫声,而是绝望的叫声了。 |
| 2. | I'm not now the conceited boy i was when i came here . 我现在已经不是初来时候的那个自命不凡的少年了。 |
| 3. | Certainly , but not now . we are fully engaged today . 当然可以,但现在不行。我们今天的工作全部排满了。 |
| 4. | Though the chinese dd not now fear japan, they have enormous respect for its potential . 中国人现在虽不怕日本但是却极端重视日本的潜在力量。 |
| 5. | The steady improvements in the royal navy could not now rescue victory from defeat . 皇家海军的境况在逐渐改善,但这一切都不可能力挽狂澜,转败为胜。 |
| 6. | We could not now jeopardize relations with europe and japan, tempt an oil embargo . 现在不能再损害我们同欧洲和日本的关系了,不能去触发一场石油禁运。 |
| 7. | He could not now hope to meet his mistress with the proofs of his daring and skill on his person . 现在看来,单凭他本人的勇敢和机智,已难以与他的爱人会面了。 |
| 8. | Charles was not now the wealthy and handsome young man living in a sphere out of her reach that he had been . 对她来说,查理不再是那个高不可攀的,有钱的美少年。 |
| 9. | I would not now have exchanged lowood, with all its privations, for gateshead and its daily luxuries . 现在,我可不愿意拿劳渥德和它的贫困去换盖兹海德府和它平日的奢华了。 |
| 10. | L said , not now . let me figure this out 我说过,现在不要说了,让我解决这个密码 |