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English translation for "nuffield"


Related Translations:
nuffield social science fellowship:  纳菲尔德社会科学协会
Example Sentences:
1.From 1968 to 1995 he was edgeworth professor of economics at the university of oxford and a fellow of nuffield college
2.He was professor of economics at oxford and a fellow of nuffield college ( 1977 - 80 ) , drummond professor of political economy at oxford and a fellow of all souls ( 1980 - 88 ) . he became lamont university professor and professor of economics and philosophy at harvard university in 1987
他曾先后出任加尔各答杰达珀大学经济学教授(一九五六至五八年)和德里大学德里经济学院经济学教授(一九六三年至七一年) 。
3.The teaching at cambridge was stimulating but very heavy , and it wasn t until he took up a chair in mathematical economics at nuffield college , oxford , that he had the time to work on a more general theory of the relationships between principal and agent in economic contracts
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