| 1. | The ship came into sight out of the fog . 那艘船驶出浓雾,依稀可见。 |
| 2. | A huge shape loomed up out of the fog 在雾中隐约出现一个巨大的影像。 |
| 3. | There was something far more unpleasant arriving out of the fog 但浓雾中出现的,却更加令人讨厌的 |
| 4. | There was something far more unpleasant arriving out of the fog 但浓雾中出现的,却更加令人讨厌的 |
| 5. | The iceberg loomed out of the fog 冰山从雾中隐约地出现。 |
| 6. | A truck materialized out of the fog 一辆卡车从雾里显现。 |
| 7. | Orcas also have the sensor pods that when placed will continuously scan that area for stealthed units , and simply to keep that area out of the fog 奥卡还拥有传感器,传感器被放置之后可以持续探测出该区域的隐形单位,并去除该区域的黑雾。 |
| 8. | He stood without stirring , looking at the heights that rose out of the fog , and his cold face wore that peculiar shade of confident , self - complacent happiness , seen on the face of a happy boy in love 他一动不动地停在那里,观看从雾霭里显露出来的高地,他那冷淡的脸上有一种理应享受人间幸福的特别自信的神情,就像是处于热恋之中的幸福少年脸上常有的表情。 |
| 9. | I d see him standing my watch on top of his n , stead of calling me , so i could go on sleeping ; and see him how glad he was when i come back out of the fog ; and when i come to him again in the swamp , up there where the feud was ; and such - like times ; and would always call me honey , and pet me and do everything he could think of for me , and how good he always was ; and at last i struck the time i saved him by telling the men we had small - pox aboard , and he was so grateful , and said i was the best friend old jim ever had in the world , and the only one he s got now ; and then i happened to look around and see that paper 我看到他才值完了班便替我值班,不愿意前来叫我,好让我继续睡大觉。我看到,当我从一片浓雾中回来,当我在世仇械斗那儿,在泥塘里又见到了他,在所有这类的时刻里,他是多么兴高采烈,总要叫我乖乖,总要宠我,总要想尽一切方法为我设身处地设想,他对我始终如一这么好啊。最后我又想起了那一回的事:我对划拢来的人们说,我们木筏子上有害天花的,从而搭救了他,这时他是多么地感激,说我是老杰姆在这个世上最好的朋友,也是他如今唯一的朋友。 |