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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

海味山珍 all sorts of delicacies
海味拼盘 shore plate
海商旗 maritime flag
海商法 maritime law
海商法外交会议 Diplomatic Conference on Mar...
海商法规 commercial maritime code
海啸 bore
海啸风狂 The sea roars and the wind r...
海图 sea chart
海图集 naval atlas
海地 Haiti
海地人 Haitian
海域 sea area
海域标识器 dan buoy
海域监视 sea survaillance
海堤 sea wall
海塘 seawall
海外 overseas
海外企业 overseas business
海外倾销 dumping abroad
海外关系 overseas relation
海外农业 overseas agriuclture
海外华侨 overseas Chinese
海外同胞 countryman residing abroad
海外奇谈 a strange story from beyond ...
海外市场 overseas market
海外归来 return from abroad
海外扩张 overseas expansion
海外投资 overseas investment
海外版 overseas edition
海外贸易 overseas trade
海外资金 offshore fund
海外银行 overseas bank
海天一色 The sea melted into the sky.
海天相接 The great ocean stretches aw...
海妖 siren
海寇 pirate a surname
海寻 nautical fathom
海屋添筹 The sea house adds in lots -...
海山 seamount
海岛 island
海岛居民 islander
海岛属地 insular possessions
海岛工程 engineering on an island
海岛民兵 island militia
海岬 coastal cape
海岸 coast
海岸侵蚀 coast erosion
海岸剥蚀 coast erosion
海岸区 coastal area
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