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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

浓雾滚腾 Dense smoke billowed to the ...
浓雾漫天 The sky is covered by a heav...
浓雾迷漫 The air is covered with a he...
浓霜 depth hoar
nautical fathom
浕水 the Jinshui River
short for Zhejiang Province
浙江 Zhejiang
浙江是我国茶乡 Zhejiang is known as the lan...
浙贝母 fritillaria thunbergii
浙贝母碱甲 verticine
浚县 Xunxian
浚泥船 dredger
浚渠 dredge a canal
浛洸 Hanguang
small river
浠水 Xishui
pushing up
浣熊 Procyon lotor
浣熊毛皮 racoon
浣熊葡藤 racoon grape
浣衣 wash clothes
浦仁裕 Pu Renyu
浩劫 great calamity
浩叹 heave a deep sigh
浩大 very great
浩大的工程 a huge project
浩如烟海 as vast as the smoke and sea...
浩星 a surname
浩星公 Haoxing Gong
浩气 noble spirit
浩气凌云 fully to display one's noble...
浩气凛然 awe-inspiring noble spirit
浩气长存 imperishable noble spirit
浩浩荡荡 go forward with great streng...
浩淼 extending into the distance
浩瀚 vast
浩瀚如海 be vast as the ocean
浩瀚的沙漠 a vast expanse of desert
浩然之气 the natural greatness of a s...
浩然正气 awe-inspiring righteousness
浩然而去 leave at once without hesita...
浩生 a surname
浩生不害 Haosheng Buhai
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