This method should eventually help to identify substances that phytochrome reacts with inside the cell . 这个方法终将有助于检识细胞内同光敏色素发生反应的物质。
Phytochrome a and phytochrome b were the main photoreceptors involved in regulation of chlorophyll accumulation and the ratio of ca / cb 光敏色素a和光敏色素b是调节叶绿素积累以及c _ a c _ b比值的主要光受体。
The response was essentially controlled by phytochrome b in red light , phytochrome a in far red light and cryptochrome 1 in blue light . the coaction was also existed among different photoreceptors by analyzing mutants 对突变体分析表明,红光下光敏色素b ,远红光下光敏色素a ,蓝光下隐花色素1起主要调节作用。
By measuring the anthocyanin accumulation of the mutants , it was showed that phytochrome and cryptochromel were involved in the induction process . kt enhanced the accumulation of anthocyanin under blue light and had a concentration effects Kt与蓝光对花色素昔积累的作用表现为明显的协同效应,蓝光在整个调节反应过程中居于主导地位,而kt对蓝光的诱导效应起促进作用。