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English translation for "placanticline"

Example Sentences:
1.Reservoir prediction technique and application of putaohua reservoir in the soutern part of daqing placanticline
2.Comprehensive evaluation of gas sealing ability of the lower denglouku formation mudstone cap - rock in the east of the daqing placanticline
3.By recognizing the geologic characteristic of the area to the west of daqing placanticline and analyzing the core sample data , this paper indicates that the main factors affecting the log interpretation confirming rate are high mud and calcium content in the reservoirs , complicated pore structure and a lot of thin reservoirs
4.Based on thorough study to sequence stratigraphic characteristics of non - marine basin , this paper makes detail analytical study on characteristics of quan1 , 2 members - denglouku formation to the east of daqing placanticline , recognizing 22 sequences within quan1 , 2 members in denglouku formation according to sequence interface characteristics , and its sequence stratigraphic characteristics is described in detail , all these provide basis for studying deep natural gas distribution regularity to the east of daqing placanticline
5.Therefore , qijiagulong sag , daqing placanticline , sanzhao sag and chaochang area are favorable areas to find the accumulation of oil or gas from sourcerock of qingshankou formation . sanzhao sag , gulong sag , qijia sag and heiyupao sag to be f avorable area to find the accumulation of gas from sourcerock deep
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