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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

离子晶体 ionic crystal
离子晶体半导体 ionic crystal semiconductor
离子束 ion beam
离子束加工 ion beam machining
离子束加工设备 ion beam process equipment
离子束成像 ion beam imaging
离子束扫描 ion-beam scanning
离子束抛光 ion beam polishing
离子束注入 ion beam injection
离子束聚变装置 ion beam fusion device
离子束蒸发 ion beam evaporation
离子束镀膜设备 ion beam deposition equipmen...
离子枪 ion gun
离子检测器 ion detector
离子气体激光器 ion gas laser
离子波 ion wave
离子泵 ion pump
离子活度 ionic activity
离子流 ion flow
离子流比 ionization ratio
离子浮选 ion flotation
离子消除器 iontron
离子渗氮炉 ion-nitriding furnace
离子温度 ion temperature
离子溅射泵 getter pump
离子源 ion gun
离子激光器 ion laser
离子激发发光 ionoluminescence
离子火箭 ion rocket
离子理论 ionic theory
离子电导 ionic conductance
离子电导率 ionic conductivity
离子电流 ionic current
离子电荷 ionic charge
离子离子碰撞 ion-ion collision
离子离心机 ionic centrifuge
离子筛 ion sieve
离子管 ionic tube
离子管整流器 grim rectifier
离子继电器 gas-filled relay
离子聚合物 ionomer
离子聚束 ion bunch
离子膜 ionic membrane
离子色谱法 chromatography of ions
离子荧光 ion fluorescence
离子蚀刻机 ion etching machine
离子计 ionometer
离子计数管 ion counter
离子谱 ionic spectrum
离子谱法 ionography
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