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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

瘴疠 malaria
瘴雨蛮烟 miasma and smoky mist
be lame
瘸子 a lame person
瘸腿 lame
瘸腿的人 a lame person
illness hardship
瘾君子 drugster
瘾头 addiction
瘾疹 urticaria
goitre gall
瘿花 gall flower
瘿虫 gall insect
瘿虫发育 colonici
瘿蚊 cecidomyiia
瘿蚜 gall aphid
癀病 anthrax
癃名 infirmity hunchback retentio...
癃闭 retention of urine
癌切除 carcinectomy
癌切除术 carcinectomy
癌前期损害 a precancerous lesion
癌前期病变 precancerous lesion
癌前状态 precancerous condition
癌变 canceration
癌变增强剂 cocarcinogen
癌基因 oncogene
癌学 cancerology
癌学家 cancerologist
癌小体 cancer-bodies
癌性息肉 carcinopolypus
癌性溃疡 cancerous ulcer
癌性硬化 cancerocirrhosis
癌性肠梗阻 carcinomatous ileus
癌恐怖 cancerphobia
癌扩散 metastasis of cancer
癌抑散 ethyleniminoquinone
癌是一种恶性瘤 A cancer is a malignant tumo...
癌样血管瘤 canceroderm
癌棒 cancer stick
癌症 cancer
癌症分期 cancer staging
癌症前期 the precancerous stage
癌症生物学 carcinobiology
癌症研究上的一项重大突破 an important breakthrough in...
癌细胞 cancer cell
癌细胞溶解 carcinolysis
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