This machine is with jumbo roll edge-retrieving unit with trim sides of products 带有原纸修边装置,产品两端整齐。
Specification for wrought aluminium for electrical purposes-strip with drawn or rolled edges 电气用锻铝.带拉拔或轧制边的带材
The configuration of conventional backup and work rolls for revamped 1700 tandem cold rolling mill at wisco was proved unreasonable by systematical test as the cause of work roll edges contact during thin strip rolling and unsatisfactory flatness of product 摘要通过现场跟踪测试和生产实践发现武钢1700冷连轧机组“酸轧联机”改造工程中存在常规凸度辊形配置方案不合理,由此引起了薄规格轧制的工作辊“压肩”现象和轧制过程欠稳定导致成品板形质量欠佳等问题。