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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

经济产量 economic yield
经济人 economic man
经济人口学 economic demography
经济价值 economic value
经济优势 economic advantages
经济体制 economic system
经济体制改革 restructuring the economy
经济体系 economic setup
经济作物 industrial crops
经济侵略 economic invasions
经济信息 economic information
经济停滞 economic stagnation
经济充裕 well-off
经济公开 make the accounts public
经济共同体 economic community
经济决定论 economic determinism
经济出路 economic opportunities for
经济制裁 economic sanction
经济刺激 economic incentive
经济刺激开支 pump priming
经济刺激手段 economic stimuli
经济刺激政策 pump priming
经济割据 economic separation
经济办法 economic measures
经济动态 econormic trends
经济动物 economic animal
经济区 economic zone
经济区划 division of economic zones
经济协作区 economically coordinated reg...
经济协定 economic agreement
经济单位 economic units
经济危机 economic crisis
经济危机席卷了整个资本主义世界 An economic crisis engulfed ...
经济原理 economic principles
经济发展 economic growth
经济发展后劲 capacity for future economic...
经济发展战略 strategy for economic develo...
经济发展目标 objective of economic develo...
经济司法 economic judicature
经济合作 economic cooperation
经济合作法 economic cooperation act
经济合同 business contract
经济合同仲裁委员会 economic contract arbitratio...
经济合同法 economic contract law
经济合理原则 principle of economic ration...
经济周期 economic cycle
经济命脉 economic lifeline
经济和技术交流 economic and technical inter...
经济困难 be in financial difficulties
经济地位 economic status
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