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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

秕子 blighted grain
秕政 bad administration or govern...
秕粒 blighted grain
秕糠 chaff worthless stuff
秕谬 mistaken
秕谷子 blighted millet
a surname
秘不可解 be wrapped in mystery
秘书 secretary
秘书处 secretariat
秘书课 secretarial section
秘书长 secretary general
秘书问题 secretary problem
秘事 a secret
秘传 secretly handed down
秘史 secret history
秘密 secret
秘密串连 make secret contacts with sb...
秘密交易 clandestine dealing
秘密会议 private session
秘密内阁 interior cabinet
秘密准备 undisclosed reserve
秘密协议 knockout agreement
秘密外交 secret diplomacy
秘密投票 secret ballot
秘密报告 secret report
秘密文件 secret papers
秘密斗争 underground struggle
秘密条约 secret treaty
秘密武器 wuwa
秘密活动 clandestine activites
秘密消息 classified information
秘密渠道 back channel
秘密电报 bamboo telegraph
秘密的心愿 a secret desire
秘密结社 form a secret society
秘密警察 secret police
秘密计划 clandestine plan
秘密贸易 clandestine trade
秘密资产 nonledger assets
秘密选举 secret election
秘密通信 confidential correspondence
秘文 Bi Wen
秘方 secret recipe
秘方药 arcanum
秘本 treasured private copy of a ...
秘术家 chaldean
秘而不宣 keep sth. secret
秘药 nostrum
秘诀 secret of success
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