| 1. | Iooking out of the window staying out of the sun 当年眺望窗外,难见骄阳姿采 |
| 2. | In the meantime , the best way to prevent skin cancer is that stay out of the sun during the middle of the day 同时,防止皮肤癌最好的办法就是中午时间不要去太阳下面暴晒。 |
| 3. | The best thing you can do to help yourself is stay out of the sun . fair skinned people are especially vulnerable , although all colours of skin are at risk 虽然不同肤色的人种同样有患上皮肤癌的危机,但皮肤白?的人士会特别容易受到伤害。 |
| 4. | It has been the common wisdom for decades and the mantra of the pale and pasty who would rather not get hot and bothered : stay out of the sun to avoid getting skin cancer 远离阳光避免皮肤癌是过去几十年的常识,也是那些推崇苍白美的人为避免烦扰的行为。 |
| 5. | In the meantime , the best way to prevent skin cancer is to stay out of the sun during the middle of the day , when the rays are strongest , and wear a hat or use an umbrella 同时,最好的预防皮肤癌的方法是在阳光照射最强的中午时分戴帽子或者撑伞来避免直射。 |
| 6. | It has been the common wisdom for decades and the mantra of the pale and pasty who would rather not get hot and bothered : stay out of the sun to avoid getting skin cancer 对那些喜欢皮肤白、受不了热的人们来说,几十年来的一点常识是:远离太阳,免得得癌症。 |
| 7. | It has been the common wisdom for decades and the mantra of the pale and pasty who would rather not get hot and bothered : stay out of the sun to avoid getting skin cancer 不晒太阳以防止得皮肤癌,十多年来这已经成为那些面色苍白的人的共识,他们怕热又打扰。 |
| 8. | It has been the common wisdom for decades and the mantra of the pale and pasty who would rather not get hot and bothered : stay out of the sun to avoid getting skin cancer 几十年来,皮肤苍白的人们把这样的说法当成金科玉律:避开阳光,不然就有得皮肤癌的危险。 |
| 9. | It has been the common wisdom for decades and the mantra of the pale and pasty who would rather not get hot and bothered : stay out of the sun to avoid getting skin cancer 几十年来这已经是公认的想法了,人们不愿意得到热量和被打扰的而面色苍白:远离太阳避免得皮肤癌。 |
| 10. | It has been the common wisdom for decades and the mantra of the pale and pasty who would rather not get hot and bothered : stay out of the sun to avoid getting skin cancer 那些皮肤白皙的人的智慧就是几十年来唱着远离炎热和不为热气所打扰的颂歌:远离阳光,避免皮肤癌。 |