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English translation for "sternberg"


Related Translations:
robert sternberg:  罗伯特史坦伯格
josef von sternberg:  斯登堡约瑟夫・冯・斯坦伯格
reed sternberg cell:  里德斯特懂根细胞
roman ungern von sternberg:  罗曼冯恩琴
Example Sentences:
1.A critical introduction of sternberg ' s theory of wisdom
2.A comment on sternberg ' s view about intelligene tests
3.Relationship between sternberg dual task performance , emotional stability and heart rate variability
4.Inflammatory myxohyaline tumor of the distal extremities with virocyte or reed - sternberg - like cells
肢体末端伴病毒细胞或r - s样细胞的炎性粘透明肿瘤。
5.It ' s not the only thing that makes a relationship work , but it ' s important , says sternberg
“匹配的故事是感情中很重要的成分,但不会是唯一成分。 ”斯滕伯格说。
6.Yet when given a chance to shine , she rose to the occasion , her brilliant performance in josef von sternberg s
在辱华的《龙女》 ( 1931 )中饰演傅满州之女,集神秘、邪恶、盲目于一身。
7." we have not capped [ our china investment ] at any level at all , " says sy sternberg , chairman of new york life insurance
纽约人寿保险公司董事长史瑞博说: “用任何标准衡量,我们都根本没有完成(在中国的投资) 。
8.The second and third parts discuss and analyze the basic content and characteristics of sternberg ' s idea of the gifted education
9.In april 1999 , when i was on a lecture tour for my book why people believe weird things , the psychologist robert sternberg attended my presentation at yale university
10.Sy sternberg , who first joined new york life in 1989 as senior vice president in charge of the group insurance department , took the helm as chairman , president and ceo following the retirement of harry hohn
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