Tonight we go back to straight news 今晚开始我们像从前一样播正常新闻
Roll call is the " home town newspaper " of capitol hill . information ranging from straight news to hometown gossip . the hill is an upstart competitor that ' s a little edgier 为美国国会山庄的当地报纸。报导的?围从严肃的新闻到当地的八卦,山庄新闻是另家笔锋更锐利的新闻报纸。
Roll call is the " home town newspaper " of capitol hill . information ranging from straight news to hometown gossip . the hill is an upstart competitor that ' s a little edgier 登记表是一个国会山的家乡报纸。它列有从直接的新闻到家乡闲谈的信息。国会山是一个有点边缘化的新晋竞争者。