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 n.  超现实主义。  detail>>
he has a bent for art
他生娃哈哈好艺术  detail>>
he is gifted for art
他有艺术天赋  detail>>
he fastened his mind on the lecture
他全神贯注地听演讲  detail>>
he has a mind of great capacity
他的理解能力极强  detail>>
he is a little man with a little mind
他是一个胸襟狭窄的小人  detail>>
he knows his own mind
他很有主见  detail>>
never mind what he said
他说的那些话你别在意  detail>>
to my mind he was still a child
在我的心目中他还是个孩子  detail>>
manifestoes of surrealism
超现实主义宣言  detail>>
organic surrealism
有机的超现实主义  detail>>
he has many strange ideas in his mind
他脑子里尽足奇思怪想  detail>>
he has spoken his mind to me
他已把心里话对我说了  detail>>
he made up his mind not to say a word
他打定主意一句话也不说  detail>>
he tried to erase the idea from his mind
他试图从头脑中抹掉这个想法  detail>>
in my mind i’m her and he is you
我便想象着那就是你和我  detail>>
he says when you gonna make uyour mind
你什么时候才能下定决心  detail>>