| 1. | Synthetic biology is more than the mere tinkering of biotechnology 合成生物学不完全等同于基因熔补术,因为后者仅仅移植单个基因。 |
| 2. | It is not considered polite , in the circles of synthetic biology as the subject is known , to mention the “ f ” word 无关礼貌问题,合成生物学做为一门学科一直受到人们的谩骂。 |
| 3. | No technology is risk free , but synthetic biology has the twist that its mistakes can breed 没有一项技术是零风险的,然而合成生物学的麻烦在于它所制造出的错误是可以繁衍后代的。 |
| 4. | Nevertheless , considering the brouhaha that surrounds genetic engineering , synthetic biology has stirred up surprisingly little wider debate 不过比起基因工程引发的诸多争议,生物合成造成的动响要轻微许多。 |
| 5. | Even this definitive erasure of the distinction between the living and non - living worlds is not , however , the most radical idea in synthetic biology 然而,即便是这种完全抹杀生物与非生物之间的界限的做法,也算不上合成生物学中最激进的想法。 |
| 6. | All the authors are also scientific advisers to codon devices in cambridge , mass . , the first commercial enterprise launched to apply engineering principles to synthetic biology 他们共同撰写这篇文章,是因为彼此专长各异,对生物制程的发展有不同的贡献,代表了生物工程学跨学科的特色。 |
| 7. | Interesting as that is , the recent buzz growing around synthetic biology arises from its technological promise as a way to design and build machines that work inside cells 有趣的是,近年来大家一窝蜂涌入合成生物学的研究领域,则是因为这种技术可以让生物学家制造出能在活细胞中运作的装置。 |