自传体 the autobiographical type |
自体受精 self-fertilization |
自作主张 have one's own way of doing ... |
自作多情 imagine oneself as the favou... |
自作孽自持 can not control one's own pa... |
自作聪明 fancy oneself clever |
自作自受 suffer through one's own mis... |
自作裁夺 use one's discretion |
自你走后我们非常想念你 We have missed you badly sin... |
自供 confess |
自供状 confession |
自便 at one's convenience |
自信 self-confident |
自信心 self-confidence |
自信满怀 be sure of oneself |
自信能胜任这项工作 believe in one's own compete... |
自修 study by oneself build |
自修法语 teach oneself French |
自傲 arrogant |
自入圈套 put one's neck into a noose |
自公布之日起施行 come into force upon promulg... |
自冬至夏 from winter to summer |
自决 decide by oneself |
自决权 right to self-determination |
自出心裁 have an unconventional idea |