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the knowledge or wisdom of anātman cf
人无我智  detail>>
Ⅰ形容词 1.(食品中油脂过多, 使人不想吃) greasy; oily  短语和例子   汤太腻了。the soup is too oily. 这炖...  detail>>
veda knowledge the vedas cf
违陀  detail>>
knowledge end wisdom
论知识与智慧  detail>>
knowledge in youth is wisdom in age
少时有知识,老来有智慧  detail>>
legend wisdom knowledge
口头传说  detail>>
profound knowledge or wisdom
深智  detail>>
source of knowledge and wisdom
知识和智慧的源泉  detail>>
an act of wisdom
明睿之举  detail>>
an insatiable desire for knowledge
永不满足的求知欲  detail>>
have an appetite for knowledge
有求知欲  detail>>
he gave an example of bravery and wisdom
他是个智勇双全的典型  detail>>
and cf
八背舍  detail>>
but cf
十念往生  detail>>
Cf =californium 【化学】锎。  detail>>
on wisdom
论智慧  detail>>
 n.  1.智慧,聪明,才智。 2.〔古语〕学问,知识,学识。 3.〔罕用语〕格言,名言。 4.〔集合词〕贤哲。 5.〔W-〕 ...  detail>>
oily flavour  detail>>