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English translation for "the serpentine romance"


Related Translations:
serpentine:  adj.1.蛇一般的。2.蜿蜒的;弯弯曲曲的;盘旋的;螺旋形的。3.阴险的;奸险的;狡猾的。短语和例子a serpentine pipe 蛇管。 a serpentine verse 头尾词相同的诗。 the serpentine turnings [windings] (河流、道路的)蜿蜒;曲折。 serpentine windings 转弯抹角地逢迎[巴结]。n.1.【
serpentine pipe:  螺旋管;盘管;蛇形管
serpentine mineral:  蛇纹石矿物
serpentine schist:  蛇纹石片岩
serpentine sample:  蛇纹石矿样
serpentine boulder:  蛇纹石
aluminous serpentine:  铝蛇纹石
serpentine disease:  臭根病
common serpentine:  普通蛇纹石一种类似大理石的蛇纹岩
serpentine gallery:  蛇湖画廊蛇湖划廊
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