| 1. | It is rude to point . 用手指人是不礼貌的。 |
| 2. | It varies in phase from point to point and moment to moment . 它的位相在每一地点和每一时刻都不相同。 |
| 3. | The corona or brush discharge, would transfer from point to point . 电晕放电和刷毛状放电只是从放电点处逐个地发生。 |
| 4. | We had to point out that chrysler stock was not held by institutions . 我们不得不指出,持有克莱斯勒公司的股票的不是社会团体。 |
| 5. | It is important to point out that laws and trends are radically different things . 有必要指出,规律和趋势是根本不同的两回事。 |
| 6. | It was well beaten, and the eye followed it easily from point to point . 那是一条平坦的小路,一眼望去,就能把什么都看得一清二楚。 |
| 7. | Once, indeed, they paused, drew into a group, and seemed to point and listen . 突然他们停住了,聚在一起,指指点点,似乎在倾听着什么。 |
| 8. | An anecdote may serve to point up the intensity of this enterprise loyalty in japan . 有一件轶事可以说明日本工人对企业的忠诚是多么强烈。 |
| 9. | It is one of the most characteristic tasks of any technology to point out what cannot be achieved . 任何技术的最典型任务之一就是指出什么是不能实现的。 |
| 10. | If one accepts these 2 values there appears to be no great virtue in trying to point the launcher to extreme accuracy . 如果这样一些2值是可以接受的话,那么让发射架过于精密就没有太大的意义了。 |