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two hours’ delay
两小时的耽搁  detail>>
two hours’delay
延误两个小时  detail>>
holmium  detail>>
for two hours
两个小时  detail>>
about two hours
大约两小时  detail>>
another two hours
另外两个小时  detail>>
as long as two hours
长达两个小时  detail>>
every two hours
每二小时  detail>>
it takes two hours to get there
到那里要两个小时  detail>>
two and half hours
两个半小时  detail>>
two hours concentration test
两小时尿液浓缩试验  detail>>
two hours later
两小时以后  detail>>
ask for two hours leave of absence
请两小时事假  detail>>
dormitory shooting two hours earlier
寝室拍摄前两小时  detail>>
every two hours around the clock
昼夜每二小时  detail>>
the passenger ship was two hours late
客船误点两小时  detail>>
tours take uto two hours
游程两个小时  detail>>
two hours before departure time
起飞前2小时  detail>>