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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

自转轴 rotation axis
自转轴进动 rotational axis precession
自轻自贱 lower oneself
自达达人 One must be self-enlightened...
自远而近 approach from a distance
自远远人 To hold yourself aloof will ...
自述 an account in one's own word...
自选 free
自选动作 optional exercise
自选商店 self-service stores
自选套路 optional exercise
自选枪 free firearm
自选模式 ideoelectotype
自选步枪 free rifle
自遣 divert oneself from melancho...
自遣自娱 while away time and amuse on...
自郐以下 Except so-and-so,none of the...
自酌 enjoy a cup of wine all by o...
自酿之祸 calamities of one's own maki...
自重 self-respect
自量 estimate one's own ability o...
自银行中领取存款 draw money from the bank
自销 sales through one's own chan...
自销门市部 enterprise-operated street o...
自锁紧 self-locking
自锁销 self-lock pin a surname
自问 ask oneself
自问无愧 have nothing to be ashamed o...
自问自答 ask a question and answer it...
自问良心 ask one's own conscience
自陷法网 incriminate oneself
自顾不暇 be unable even to fend for o...
自食 reversal
自食其力 support oneself by one's own...
自食其果 reap what one has sown
自食其言 go back on one's own words
自食恶果 be hoisted by one's own peta...
自馁 lose confidence
自首 voluntarily surrender onesel...
自首书 confession
自首变节 make confessions and surrend...
自首投案 surrender oneself to the law
自高自大 have a high opinion of onese...
自鸣得意 be very pleased with oneself
自鸣得意的小偷 self-satisfied thief
自鸣清高 profess to be above politics...
自鸣钟 striking clock
target standard
臬兀 unstable
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