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English translation for "underbidding"


Related Translations:
underbid:  vt.(underbid; under-bidden , underbid; underbidding)1.(投标时)出价低于(他人)。2.【牌戏】以低于可能的得分叫牌。3.愿以较低报酬做(某事);以低价售出。vi.1.(投标时)出价不足;出价过低。2.【桥牌】叫牌过低。
Example Sentences:
1.The manufacturers appear to have underbid the contracts by a wider margin than usual
2.The manufacturers appear to have underbid the contracts by a wider margin than usual . costs escalated beyond all expectations . and few were privy to the problems because the program was financed in the secret part of the pentagon budget
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