| 1. | Fourth asian crisis management conference on an unprecedented scale held in singapore 第四届亚洲危机管理会议在新加坡隆重举行 |
| 2. | Asian network of major cities 21 fourth asian crisis management conference on an unprecedented scale held in singapore 第四届亚洲危机管理会议在新加坡隆重举行 |
| 3. | Fourth asian crisis management conference on an unprecedented scale held in singapore - tokyo metropolitan government 第四届亚洲危机管理会议在新加坡隆重举行-东京都 |
| 4. | The rapid growth of the world - wide web poses unprecedented scaling challenges for general - purpose crawlers and search engines 近年来,随着internet的迅猛发展,人们越来越习惯于在网上发布信息、查找信息。 |
| 5. | Flooding , disease and famine and from that migration on an unprecedented scale and in areas of already high tension 洪水、疾病、饥荒以及因此而带来的史无前例的人口迁移,这些问题引发的矛盾在一些地区已经处于白热化。 |
| 6. | The federal government of the united states of america rapidly increased the support for research in the natural sciences and biomedicine on a vast , unprecedented scale 美国联邦政府迅速以前所未有的巨大规模增加了对自然科学和生物医学研究的投入。 |
| 7. | The vast multitude of chinese books are now stored in digital libraries . computer science has enabled cultures based in chinese to spread on an unprecedented scale 浩如烟海的中国典籍,正被存储入数字图书馆中,计算机科学使汉字文化得到前所未有的广泛传播。 |
| 8. | Similarly , it is difficult to imagine the current account deficit of the united states , already of an unprecedented scale , growing and sustaining itself for very much longer 同样,我们亦难以想像美国目前处于前所未有的高位的经常帐赤字会继续增加而仍能持续下去。 |
| 9. | It is very valuable to study the relationship between geography and culture while the chinese people are increasing their contacts with other parts of the world in an unprecedented scale 在中华民族不断走向世界的今天,探讨中国传统文化与地理环境的关系,就显得非常有价值。 |
| 10. | We have overcome economic difficulties of unprecedented scale and although economic restructuring may continue for some time , we have laid down the foundation to rebuild our fortune 我们克服了前所未有的经济困境。虽然经济转型估计还会持续一段日子,但我们已经奠下良好基础,建立长远的繁荣稳定。 |