They gave the growing vaishnava bhakti cults a philosophical framework that also influenced some saivite schools 他们给予了成长中的外氏那瓦祭礼一个哲学架构,也影响着一些湿婆派别。
Most south indian hindu sects and some vaishnava sects based in eastern india regard balarama as being the ninth avatar of vishnu 大多数的南印度教派和一些东印度的毗瑟奴派都把巴拉胡米认定为毗瑟奴的第九个化身。
Certain vaishnava legends , especially those referring to the infant krishna , bearsome resemblance to those of christianity , and claims have been made by both hinduism and christianity that the one influenced the other 某些外氏那瓦派的传说,尤其是婴儿时期的克里希那,与婴儿时期的基督相似,印度教和基督教都声称是其中一个影响了另一个。
Certain vaishnava theologians of the pa ? aratra and bhagavata schools , including ramanuja , a tamil brahman who was for a time chief priest of the vaishnava temple of srirangam , near tiruchchirappalli ( trichinopoly ) , taught in the 11th century 帕拉罗陀和巴嘎瓦特学派的某些外氏那瓦的神学家,包括泰米尔婆罗门罗摩奴者,在某段时期曾经是蒂鲁凡那塔普姆附近的斯里兰格姆寺庙的外氏那瓦首席祭司,也在十一世纪进行教导。