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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

贷款协定 loan agreement
贷款处 loan office
贷远 Dai Yuan
贸促会 the China Council for the Pr...
贸名贸利 buy fame and scheme after ga...
贸宁 Mao Ning
贸工农体制 trade-industry-agriculture s...
贸易 trade
贸易专利公司 trading monopoly company
贸易中心 trade center
贸易互惠 reciprocity in trade
贸易交易会 trade fair
贸易促进中心 trade promotion centre
贸易保护主义 trade protectionism
贸易保护法 trade safe-guarding act
贸易信贷 trade credit
贸易值 trade value
贸易公司 trading company
贸易关系 trade relation
贸易净差额 net balance of trade
贸易减让 trade concession
贸易区 trade zone
贸易协会 trade association
贸易协定 trade agreement
贸易协定法 Trade Agreement Act
贸易卡特尔 trade cartel
贸易合同 sales contract
贸易合同规定余额以人民币结算 The trade contract stipulate...
贸易呆滞 stagnant in trade
贸易壁垒 trade barrier
贸易外汇 trade foreign exchange earni...
贸易对象 trade partners
贸易差额 trade balance
贸易市场 trading market
贸易帐户 trading accounts
贸易平衡 trade balance
贸易库存 trade inventories
贸易应付帐款周转期 trade payable turnover perio...
贸易开辟 trade creation
贸易往来 trade contacts
贸易总额 total volume of trade
贸易惯例 trade practice
贸易战 trading war
贸易扩展 trade expansion
贸易支付协定 trade and payment agreement
贸易收支 foreign trade position
贸易攻势 trade offensive
贸易政策 trade policy
贸易数量限制 quantitative trade restricti...
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