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English translation for "working chamber"


Related Translations:
chamber:  n.1.〔古、诗〕室,房间;寝室,卧室;〔pl.〕套房;〔pl.〕律师[法官]办公室。2.会议室,会场;议会,议院;协会。3.箱,暗箱;蜂箱。4.(枪的)弹膛,药室;螺管(动植物体的)窝,穴,腔;心室。5.便壶,尿罐(=chamber pot)。6.【矿物】矿车。短语和例子the upper [lower] chamber上[下]议院。 C- of Commerce 商会。
chambered:  adj.有(…)房间的;处在房间[小室]里的。
chambers:  n.钱伯斯〔姓氏〕。
chambering:  超径排种盘槽口中种子的聚积炮眼扩孔 炮眼掏壶 扩孔爆破 内腔加工 上膛送弹上膛形成大肚子孔段
Example Sentences:
1.The working chamber is made of stainless steel plate to ensure durability
2.The working chamber is rectangular so as to achieve the maximum of effective volume
3.Air working chamber
4.Toughened bulletproof double glass door , to observe clearly the object in the working chamber
5.Characteristic : working chamber has double floors sharking flat roof , and also can change single floor , which is satisfy with large triangle flask
6.Characteristic : water - jacket heating mode . temperature is even in the working chamber . if power failure , the chamber can keep constant temperature for longer
7.The machine has a large working chamber , which can carry out symmetrical operations in alternation , thus making it easy to be operated and highly efficient
8.It adopts stainless steel working chamber and water - jacket heating mode . temperature is even in the working chamber . if power failure , the chamber can keep constant temperature for longer
9.( 2 ) diamond - like carbon films could be fabricated by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition method too , the surface morphology of the films was good , but the films had very big internal stress , which could be decreased by adding proper nitrogen gas in work chamber
( 2 )用等离子体增强化学气象沉积技术也能制备类金刚石膜。优点是用这种方法制备的薄膜表面形貌得到了一定的改善,但内应力较大,通过加入适量的氮气可以改善一些。
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