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world expansion of osho’s work
奥修工作的世界性扩展  detail>>
osho in the world press
奥修在世界的压迫之下  detail>>
expansion work
膨胀功  detail>>
work of expansion
膨胀功  detail>>
osho announces his world tour
奥修宣告他的环球旅行  detail>>
osho undergoes extensive dental work
奥修经历牙齿工作  detail>>
world of work
工作领域  detail>>
successive work expansion
逐步膨胀  detail>>
奥绍 奥修 大潮 一出戏  detail>>
panel on ageing and the world of work
老龄与工作环境问题小组  detail>>
osho and the pope
奥修与罗马教皇  detail>>
osho is ill
奥修生病  detail>>
osho’s jokes
奥修讲笑话  detail>>
pierre osho
皮埃尔奥绍  detail>>
 n.  1.张开,伸展。 2.扩大;扩建;展开;发展。 3.广袤,辽阔。 4.扩张物,扩大部分。 5.(讲题等的)详述,阐述。&...  detail>>
a few therapists betray osho
一些医学家背叛奥修  detail>>
examples of letters osho wrote
奥修写的几封信  detail>>
growth of osho’s new commune
奥修新社区的成长  detail>>