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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

销货折让 sales discounts and allowanc...
销货收入 income from sales of product...
销货收益 sales income
销货款 money taken in for sold comm...
销货比率 ratio of sales
销货确认书 confirmative sale note
销货费用 selling expenses
销货退回 sales returns
销货限额 sales quotas
销赃 disposal of stolen goods
销路 sale
销路呆滞 slow in sale
销路很好 have a good sale
销金嵌玉 be veneered with gold leaf a...
销钉 dowel
销除坏帐 bad debts written off
销魂 be overwhelmed with sorrow o...
销魂蚀骨 go into ecstasies
销魂蚀魄 be overwhelmed by one's pass...
销魂醉魄 bewitch the mind and intoxic...
锁上抽屉 lock a drawer
锁住 slewing
锁匠 locksmith
锁口 fore shaft
锁口边 cork cot
锁喉 synanche
锁喉痈 throat-blocking phlegmon
锁国 close the country to interna...
锁在保险箱里 be locked up in a safe
锁子甲 hauberk
锁孔 lockhole
锁定 lock
锁定信号 locking signal
锁定开关 locking switch
锁定振荡器 locked-in oscillator
锁定插销 dead bolt
锁定放大器 lock-in amplifier
锁定时间 locking time
锁定机构 caging mechanism
锁定电路 lock-in circuit
锁定继电器 lock-up relay
锁定范围 lock-in range
锁定螺钉 locking screw
锁定装置 locking device
锁式 locking-type
锁式插头 locking-type plug
锁式环流器 latching circulator
锁式管 lockal tube
锁式管座 lockal base
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