顿挫 pause and transition in rhyt... |
顿挫型 forme fruste |
顿挫型感染 abortive infection |
顿挫抑扬 rising and falling of tones |
顿挫抑扬是形容朗读时声音的高低曲折和和谐的的节奏 Cadence means the rise and f... |
顿挫疗法 ectrosis |
顿改前非 suddenly to reform oneself |
顿时 immediately |
顿时错乱 instant insanity |
顿服剂 Haust. |
顿河 the Don River |
顿然大悟 suddenly to wake up |
顿然悔悟 suddenly realize one's error... |
顿琦 Dun Qi |
顿生一股无明火 in a moment of anger |
顿生疑窦 suddenly feel suspicious |
顿笔 make a pause for breath in w... |
顿脚 stamp one's foot arrange |
顿起歹念 turn ungrateful suddenly |
顿起盗心 make sb. wild for a game of ... |
顿足 stamp one's feet |
顿足不前 come to a standstill |
顿足号哭 cry stamping one's feet |
顿足捶胸 stamp one's feet and beat on... |
顿踬无靠 stumble by the way without s... |