English translation for "《说文解字》"
- Analytical Dictionary of Characters language br>
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Since the birth of six books , which was based on xu shen ' s interpretation of chinese characters , its theories have been studied for about 2000 years 摘要以许慎《说文解字》为载体的“六书”理论自其问世以来,至今已近两千年。 | | 2. | In this paper , symmetrical chinese characters of xiao zhuan in shuo wen jie zi are classified to explore their basis of form and to apperceive aesthetic mentality of ancient chinese 本文对《说文解字》小篆中的对称字进行分类,探索它们的构形理据并以此管窥我国先民的审美心理。 | | 3. | The book shuo wen jie zi which wrote at han dynasty is not only a single dictionary , but also a thesaurus of recordation a good many cultural phenomena 成书于汉代的《说文解字》不仅是一部解释字形义关系、分析字形结构、归纳汉字构形结构的字典,也是一部记载了诸多文化现象的汉字文化宝库。 | | 4. | This paper , through researching on the special phenomenon in explaining words and articles from a new angle , summarized the rules of explaining forms and meanings of chinese characters in explaining words and articles and figured out its deficiency that the rules were not consistent 摘要以《说文解字》中争议较大的“多形多声” 、 “省形” 、 “省声” 、 “亦声” 、 “古文某” 、 “象某之形” 、 “倒某” 、 “反某” 、 “阙” 、 “一字重出”等现象为主要研究材料,总结出《说文解字》说形解义所遵循的体例,指出其说解中还存在前后不一贯的缺陷。 | | 5. | Then we use shuowenjiezi as well as the three standard books of chinese characters in tang dynasty , ganluzishu , wujingwenzi , jiujingziyang , as the criterion to correct the wrongly written characters , and divide the compiled common chinese words into seven categories : simplify the font , complicate the font , change the strokes , change the goujian , alternate the yifu or yinfu , alter the structure and kuaihuacaoshu . on the basis of that , we illustrate with the quantified data connected with the specifically speaking method that in the seven categories only two categories which are alter the yifu or yinfu and alter the structure maintain the reason of the standard form of chinese characters , the category of complicate the font weaken the reason , and the other four categories destroy the reason . through this , we can see that the reason of the common chinese words is much weaker than that of the standard form of chinese characters , so the common words are mostly excluded by the standard form system and are gradually obsoleted 本文以《吐鲁番出土文书》为材料,采用穷尽式的方法辑录其中的俗字(以字种数计) ,以《说文解字》以及《干禄字书》 、 《五经文字》 、 《九经字样》三种唐代正字书作为正字标准,将所辑录的俗字分为简化字形、繁化字形、改换笔画、改换构件、更替意音、变换结构、楷化草书七种类型,并进一步以量化数据和具体分析相结合的方法说明七类俗字中保持正字理据的仅更替意音、变换结构两类,繁化字形类弱化了正字理据性,其他四类则破坏了正字的理据,说明俗字的理据性要比正字弱的多,因而俗字多被正字系统所排斥,逐渐被淘汰。 | | 6. | Based on this consensus and the premise that " + ( jia ) " is a phonetic loan character of " 甲 ( jia ) " and from the perspective of how the character was really written , the author attempts to demonstrate the error in the explanation of " 甲 ( jia ) " in shuowenjiezi , which took " ( che ) " as " 千 ( qian ) " , and conclude that the explanation of wuwen " 甲 ( jia ) " in shuowenjiezi actually followed " the track of stemming from + ( jia ) , appearing as ( che ) and ending in 木 ( mu ) " 两种体系的共通之处在于都赞成“成于木” ,都出现“始” 、 “见” 、 “成”三个标示事物发展阶段的动词,以这一共通之处和“十”乃“甲”之假借的既有论断为前提,从汉字实际书写的角度出发,论证对《说文解字》古文“甲”的解释中“千”字为“ ”字之讹误,从而得出《说文解字》中古文“甲”的释义实为“始于十(甲) ,见于,成于木之象”的结论。 |
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