good cop bad cop
Related Translations:
软硬兼施: act tough and talk soft; adopt every possible means, tough and soft; bring both force and reason to bear; combine hard tactics with soft; combine harsh and mild measures; couple threats wi
并重: lay equal stress on; regard both as equally important; attach equal importance to; pay equal attention to 短语和例子两者并重 lay equal stress on both; 并重方针 policy of laying equal stress on
并重方针: policy of laying equal stress on
并重复: erase files from root and repeat chkdsk
城乡并重: laying equal stress on the cities and the countryside
两者并重: lay equal stress on both
恩威并重: benevolent authorityemployment of both kindness and severity
分解并重组: decomposing and redistributing the statement method
五育并重: to lay equal emphasis on the five disciplines