the boundless plain; a flat stretch of land; a stretch of open country; a wide [vast] expanse of flat land; flat country; great stretch of flat land
Example Sentences:
It is a land kindling passion and tenderness . it is a land giving birth to tenacity and boldness 秀丽如锦的雅砻河谷一马平川,阡陌交通,河汊纵横,麦浪泛金
Private property was concluded on the way of constitutional evolution , which promoted and experienced the transformation and formation between three constitutional forms 然而,这条道路并非一马平川。私人财产权在颠簸中凝练,在宪法演进中受到总结。
Have from ban mendian to pyongyang 167 kilometers , we drove to set out on a journey the next morning , a wide expanse of flat land on the way , the highway is wide and unblocked 板门店距离平壤有167公里,第二天早上我们驱车上路,沿途一马平川,公路宽阔畅通无阻。
Have from ban mendian to pyongyang 167 kilometers , we drove to set out on a journey the next morning , a wide expanse of flat land on the way , the highway is wide and unblocked 五板门店板门店距离平壤有167公里,第二天早上我们驱车上路,沿途一马平川,公路宽阔畅通无阻。
The scenic spot is 3 kilometers away form the city of hongyuan county , the higyway goes through the hill , at the foot of hill is a wide expanse of flat pasture 该景点距县城3公里。公路在一座丘原上横穿,丘原下是一马平川的草滩,落差约50米,大自然就把景色布置在这片草滩上。
For thousands of years these mysterious stones have stood is isolation like ancient warriors of time . why they were erected or for what purpose we may never know 数千年来这些神秘的巨石孤立地矗立在一马平川的平原上,象远古时代的武士。为什么他们能直立在那里,或者为了什么目的直立在那里,我们可能永远都不会知道。
As a famous region of rivers and lakes , shaoxing city has always been celebrated for its scenic beauty . the long towpath which cleaves the water in two , the east lake on which one can go boating and enjoy the marvellous spectacle of " looking at the sky from the bottom of a well " , keyan s rock called cloud - bone which towers aloft in a wide expanse of flat land , . . . all these will make you indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty 绍兴素以秀丽旖旎的水乡风光著称于世,那将水面劈为两半的长长织塘路,那可以泛舟领略“坐井观天”奇趣的东湖石壁,那一马平川上拔地而起的柯严“云骨” , ,足以让你乐而忘返,美不胜收,大有“人在镜中,舟行画里”之感,引起寻幽探胜的浓厚兴趣。