English translation for "严守"
 strictly observe [abide by]; maintain strictly 短语和例子 严守劳动纪律 strictly observe the discipline in labour
Related Translations:
严守中立: observe stiff [strict] neutrality; strictly observe neutrality; adhere to neutrality 严守阵地: uphold the position 严守规则: rigid adherence to rules 严守劳动纪律: strictly observe the discipline in labour 严守校纪: strictly observe the school discipline 严守秘密: maintain strict secrecy; keep secret -- strictly confidential
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Do it , by all means , but keep it secret . 尽力去做,不过要严守秘密。 | | 2. | He is a proverb for punctuality . 他严守时间是有名的。 | | 3. | He is punctual to a proverb . 他严守时间是人所共知的。 | | 4. | His punctuality is a proverb . 他严守时间是有名的。 | | 5. | The housecarls around harold preserved their discipline . 哈罗德身边的臣仆仍严守纪律。 | | 6. | What happened between us will be safely secret and a lovely memory . 我们之间的事将严守秘密,成为一段美好的回忆。 | | 7. | She was the most close-mouthed female in the white house-and she had to be . 她是白宫最严守秘密的女人,她必须这样。 | | 8. | New england authors did not always confine themselves to their own rules . 新英兰的作家并非永远严守他们自己的戒条。 | | 9. | The ordered suppressed castes of centuries wither here . 几百年来传为定制、严守不变的一套等级制度一到这里都冰消瓦解了。 |
- Similar Words:
- "严实" English translation, "严式标音" English translation, "严式音标" English translation, "严是爱,松是害" English translation, "严是爱松是害" English translation, "严守安息日" English translation, "严守安息日的教徒的信仰" English translation, "严守的秘密" English translation, "严守岗位" English translation, "严守规定法则" English translation