English translation for "中国科技成果"
- china science and technology achievements
Related Translations:
成果推广应用: promotion of results application 成果转化: transfer of achievement 高科技成果: high-tech achievementhigh-tech result 攻关成果: achievement of tackling key problem 实质性成果: substantive achievementsubstantive results 现有成果: on-going resultsongoing result
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | China science and technology achievements 中国科技成果 | | 2. | The scientific and technological achievement being completed on one ' s own in 90 was once recorded into " big chinese applied technique achievement dictionaries " , " big dictionaries , of chinese scientific and technological achievement " the medical science magazine announces 16 thesises successively above province level , is good at treating in aspect such as department infection , prostatitis , nature dysfunction , male infertility urinary , depths accept patient favourable comment 90年独立完成的科技成果曾被载入《中国应用技术成果大辞典》 、 《中国科技成果大辞典》 ,先后在省级以上医学杂志发表论文16篇,擅长于泌尿系感染、前列腺炎、性功能障碍、男性不育等方面的治疗,深受患者好评。 |
- Similar Words:
- "中国科长石明凯" English translation, "中国科代企业有限公司" English translation, "中国科技" English translation, "中国科技报" English translation, "中国科技产业" English translation, "中国科技大学" English translation, "中国科技翻译" English translation, "中国科技会堂" English translation, "中国科技会堂宾馆" English translation, "中国科技开发院" English translation