English translation for "产品的属性"
- product attributes
Related Translations:
选择属性: choose attributesproperties 属性关系: attribute relationship 属性级别: attributes hierarchy 顺序属性: sequential attribute 类型属性: categorical attributetype attribute
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Distinctiveness means a trademark , s ability to identify and distinguish his or her goods from those manufactured or sold by others and to indicate the source of the goods 显著性是商标所具有的标示产品出处并使之区别于其他同类产品的属性。 | | 2. | Theoretically , the aged insurance has the obvious individual nature , which is different from the welfare - oriented security and from the public goods 摘要从理论上分析,养老保险在本质上不同于福利性保障,而具有个人保险的性质;也不同于一般意义上的公共物品,具有明显的私人产品的属性。 | | 3. | Although computer hardware designers can use well - established formulae to compute the amount of heat produced by the chips they design , software engineers have not arrived at a consensus about how to measure their products properties , such as program size 即使计算机硬件设计能够使用定制的公式来计算所设计的芯片散发出的热量的数值,软件工程师却还没有对如何衡量产品的属性(例如,程序的大小)达成共识。 | | 4. | Based on analyzing of coding system importance in integration environment , studied single product data foundation enterprise application integration system information model ; studied process information system get attribute data of product , structure data of product from pdm ; studied mbom transform program flow 分析了集成环境下编码系统的重要性,提出了以统一产品信息数据源为基础的企业应用系统集成的信息模型;提出了capp系统通过pdm获取产品的属性数据、产品结构数据的方法和mbom转换的流程。 |
- Similar Words:
- "产品的识别, 产品的公认" English translation, "产品的市场特征" English translation, "产品的市场推广策略" English translation, "产品的首次论证" English translation, "产品的寿命周期" English translation, "产品的术语" English translation, "产品的特色" English translation, "产品的物料跟踪报告" English translation, "产品的物质要素" English translation, "产品的详细说明或规格" English translation