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English translation for "产销平衡;产销协调"

co ordination of production and marketing

Related Translations:
产销:  production and marketing 短语和例子产销联合组织 joint ventures which combine production with marketing; 产销直接见面 establish direct links between the producer and the seller; 产销额 volume of production and
产销结合:  integrate production and sale; production is co-ordinated with marketing
产销合一:  integration of production and marketing operations
产销直接挂钩:  directly link production with marketing
产销直接见面:  establish direct links between the producer and the seller
产品产销社:  produce marketing board
林业产销证:  forest concession
纺织品产销计划:  projected production and sale of textiles
产销平衡:  co-ordination of supply and marketing
美国农产品产销管理局:  production and marketing administration
Similar Words:
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