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Home > chinese-english > "他现在已经在路上了" in English

English translation for "他现在已经在路上了"

he is on his way

Related Translations:
回家路上:  jibeuroon my way homethe way home
现在:  now; at present; today; nowadays; these days; this day and age 短语和例子从现在开始 from now on; 到现在为止 up to now; 现在几点钟? what time is it now?; what is the time?; have you the right time?; can you te
现在的:  currenthodiernalnowadaypresent-day
现在列出:  m 35m
但现在:  but now i'mso confused,my heart's bruised
现在时态:  primary tenses
现在分词:  present participleving
现在开庭:  now the court is in session
表示现在:  now present existing etc
现在式:  present tense
Example Sentences:
1.He is on his way
Similar Words:
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