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English translation for "储蓄存款利息"

account interest

Related Translations:
计划储蓄:  planned savings
团体储蓄:  savings of society
储蓄总额:  aggregate savingsgross savings
巨额储蓄:  substantial savings
公司储蓄:  corporate savings
储蓄的:  saving
现金储蓄:  cash reserve
定额储蓄:  fixed amount savings
储蓄利率:  savings deposit rates
储蓄鼓励:  thrift encouragementthrift engagement
Example Sentences:
1.That is to say , before deposit interest income should be adjusted by policy , deposit is mixed computation of period of time of the cent after adjusting , and according to what differ tax rate plan imposes individual income tax
2.Eight years has passed since the appication of such stipulation , bringing about lots of positive effects in many respects , including stimulation of consumption , regulation of individual income , increase of government receipts , etc
3.With reference to items concerning the individual income tax derived from the savings deposit interest in the individual income tax law amended in 1999 , an individual income tax contributed from the savings deposit interest shall be assessed from november 1st , 1999
Similar Words:
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