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English translation for "全美国的"

all american
Example Sentences:
1.Well , a new harvard study has corporate1 america ' s attention
2.Martin luther king ' s eloquent speeches have moved men throughout the u . s
3.Kids all over america watch cartoons on tv every saturday morning
这个人说: “全美国的孩子每个星期六早上都看电视上的卡通片。
4.And i will assure the american people that we are doing everything in our power to protect you
5.At the same time , the administration s tax cuts have just begun to be felt by families across america
6.Experts across america deemed john mccain ' s campaign dead late last year , as he lacked money , languished in the polls and shook up staff
7.During a nation - wide anthrax scare in 2001 , ami ' s office in boca raton , florida , was targeted and a photo editor was killed
8.“ this is a new thing for us , ” desoto police lt . mike sullivan said . “ i think it ' s starting to be a trend throughout the united states
“这对我们来说是个新问题, ”德索托警署的麦克?沙利文中尉说道。 “我想这将开始成为全美国的一个麻烦的趋势。 ”
9.In 2003 , for example , it paid $ 48 billion for fleetboston financial , which gave it the most branches , customers and checking accounts of any united states bank
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